Wednesday, January 18, 2012

More "Natural News" Ridiculousness...

I'm going to have to comment on this article. When I read it, it made me wonder if Natural News is the "alternative health" counterpart to the cultural eviscerations of the "Onion."

The title of the article is:

Study Proves 95% of People Really Are Sheeple...

And it just goes downhill from there. The article sites a limited study in which non-verbally communicative people organized themselves into herds, essentially. In the study, a larger group of people was willing to be lead by a small minority.

That's the study in a nutshell.

Here's the source:

From those facts, the author of the Natural News Article goes on to theorize that this tendency towards herding would lead to our susceptibility to being lead by political leaders, and to being taken in by con-men; to falling for political cover-ups, to falling for phony conspiracy theories. This paragraph has got to be the height of irony:

"Scary. Are we such sheeple that we allow a few "informed" people to lead us around without even knowing what's happening? Sadly, it makes sense. How many fall for scams of all kinds because of friends or "informed" sources, from pyramid schemes to religious hoaxes and political coverups. We seem to believe just about anything, or blindly tolerate it as long as the message is delivered with enough social credibility."

You've got to know a little bit about Natural News to understand the irony - this site consistently peddles fear to its audience. Articles routinely propose the idea that the government will be rounding up American citizens, illegally detaining us, forcibly vaccinating us with mind controlling agents, etc. The agenda is not even subtle.

I think what you have to do here, to see where the article is so far off base, is... you have to try and clear your mind. Then read the study first, the article's source. After you've read the study, go back and read the article, and see if the conclusions the author draws, from the limited parameters of the study, are the same as the conclusions you might draw.

Anyway - I'll expand on this later. I think it's pretty obvious that I have some serious doubts regarding the Natural News author's conclusions. Aside from that, the title certainly suggests that the article is being marketed to a relatively select audience.

Seriously, this article leaves me thinking: if there are sheeple, they are the ones buying into this story.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Smoke and Fog

Moon at night, falling around the Earth

I've spent the better part of the evening worrying a chancre sore with my tongue. It's on the lower right side of my mouth; inside, on the gums. The sore feels huge, but I don't think it's really as big as my tongue thinks it is. Tongue feels huge. My whole head feels big.

There is often a low-hanging mist in the air when you drive into the small town of Los Molinos. We like to play the guessing game: “Smoke, or fog?” Lately it's been mostly smoke. I wouldn't take a bet on fog for less than five to one odds, and even then I think it would be a giveaway.

Starting to get a glimpse of some of the movements swirling around. We got into a strong current of dissatisfaction and demonstration, and that seems to be disseminating towards debate and strategy. “Strategy” is probably too conscious of a word to describe it – the thing is more fluid than the word strategy evokes. It is sometimes painfully confusing.

Sign of the Times

Word on the street has it that Representative Wally Herger is retiring from Congress, after something like a quarter of a century of service. I've written to Herger on occasion, and always received a prompt and polite response. They typically include the phrase: “and even though we may not see eye to eye on many of today's important issues...” somewhere in the closing paragraph.  I appreciate the effort anyway, and the stationary is very nice – thick, quality paper.
Representative Wally Herger has announced his plan to retire from Congress

I'd read that as a sign – the old way moving on. Even though another old-way advocate will likely take his place, it's still a dramatic shift. It's something worth paying attention to. Old people in new roles might be more receptive to change. But I am afraid sometimes that these guys play the same game. They've become entrenched. One begets the other begets the other. Even when one side takes power from the other, the arguments still stay the same. You could have followed the same thought processes in 1970, or 1930. Are we moving forward at all?

Dance for Rain

There's very little moisture in the soil and less in the air. Even though the plants and trees are mostly bare and dormant, they still need weekly watering. Water is what we need right now, in any form: snow, rain, sleet, fog, hail, drizzle, slush; we need it to knock some of this smoke out of the air.

Phenakistoscope - Waltzing Dancers
 click image to view animation.

The Quiet Revolution

You know I think, I hope, I pray that we can do this thing, that we can make this transition here with a minimal amount of violence. Violence, some people say it's necessary, but I don't know about that. That seems to be a circular way of thinking. It's a logical loop; someone is committing violence against you, you strike back at them. But it's endless, and hopeless. Violence always begets more violence, until someone decides to walk away... Can you really walk away?

I think you have to.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

$16.50 The Hard Way

Scrap Metal Yard - Recycling at it's Most Basic

After eggnog season I had a few days off.

I had piles of rusted, tangled barbed wire coiled in heaps around the yard. I managed to jam all that wire into the bed of my Toyota pick-up, and on Thursday morning I headed to a surplus metal buyer in Orland. First I drove into the yard, where  two men unloading material informed me I had to go get my truck weighed first. No big deal, I reversed the truck on out and waited for the scale to clear.

I parked on a metal plate and went into the office where a  young woman adjusted a series of metal plates and weights to determine how much the truck weighed. She said I was good and off I went, into the yard, to unload my scrap.

I was eager to help and I'd brought my gloves with me. The wire was all in a tangled mess that I felt uneasy about. I started wrenching and pulling the metal out. I had really rammed it in there – my strategy was pure laziness: instead of having to tie the load down, I'd let the wire do the work; and so I'd stomped it down into the truck to make sure it wouldn't pop free. It was tough, but I was making progress, pulling out the chain link fencing one roll at a time. Then I got to a pocket of barbed wire. It was tangled and interconnected with some hogwire and some more barbed wire. I was pulling hard, and it wasn't budging. I gave it a real powerful tug, and then I glanced something flashing by, and then there was a feeling of pulling on my nose.

A loose end of the barbed wire had shot free from the truck bed and whipped into my face, in such a way that a barb entered into my nostril, pierced the nostril's inside wall, and then the end of it poked out through the fleshy end of the septum. I was effectively hooked.

There was almost no pain; but there was blood, and I couldn't figure out how to get the wire out of my nose. My initial reaction was to pull, but that was wrong, because the barb was pointing down. I had to figure out from which direction the wire had entered, and then push it back that way. It took me a while to figure this out. I removed my glove to free my fingers. Slightly panicky, I tried pulling on the wire a couple more times, straight down. I felt my nose stretching, but the wire was not even close to pulling through. The attendant in the yard was getting concerned, and he called to his colleague, but then I got the wire moving in the right direction and was freed. A few thick droplets of blood ran down over my lips and mouth, and then onto my jacket.

“Man, I hope your day gets better.” The attendant told me sincerely.