Treason at Home and Abroad
Recent audits of the on-going fiasco in Iraq suggest a pattern of largesse, casual accounting, bribery, dishonesty and out and out theft. I doubt if anyone is overly surprised by any of this but nevertheless it is absolutely shameless on the part of those involved in this government sanctioned money grab. This is our nation’s treasure, paid for by you and me, being squandered, wasted, and stolen – and this while our nation is at a most vulnerable moment in its brief history. Those who would steal from our nation, weaken us even more at a time of incredible risk and exposure, and who would line their own pockets at the expense of the taxpayers and the soldiers, should be tried for treason. That’s what these actions amount to, siphoning off our wealth, tarnishing what’s left of our reputation throughout Iraq, the Middle-East, and the rest of the world, and putting our soldiers and citizens in greater jeopardy as a result of slowed reconstruction efforts and good old boy favoritism. These people are financial terrorists who know no country that they would turn their backs on America in the moment of our greatest need. Right now this nation needs leaders of noble character and clear vision.
We’ve seen the same kind of incompetence and dishonest accounting in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Billions of dollars have been spent and still vast communities continue to exist in a bureaucratic limbo in the form of sprawling FEMA trailer parks. And while these victims suffer, others are getting rich from the spoils of tragedy.
You know this greed in the face of tragedy I do not understand. How has it gotten to this point where so many are willing to exchange morals, ethics, and character just for transitory green-backs? I mean come on, it is only money and money is just a marker. Personally I think it all went awry when we went off of the gold standard. There’s nothing behind the money anymore, it’s only so much ink and paper. Maybe that makes it easier for the criminally inclined to de-personalize the act of stealing.
Happy VD!
Valentine’s Day is upon us. A lot of people have a problem with Valentine’s Day but personally I’m not one of them. A day dedicated to love and passion, cupid’s arrows, blushing, champagne, chocolate, and loving is not a day you will find this writer complaining about. I did a little Wikipedia research on Valentine’s Day and it appears the unofficial holiday has a number of different possible origins including early Gnostic Christian and pagan roots. Typically the Christian celebration was foisted upon conquered pagans who held festivals to their gods as winter began to show the first inklings of transforming into that most magical season that is spring.
The Old Bait and Switch
Early Christianity was masterful at converting pagans to the faith by layering the Christian beliefs over the existing seasonal celebrations. Christmas falls over the Winter Solstice, Easter the Spring Equinox. One of the most interesting examples of the layering of Christianity over pre-existing beliefs arises in Haiti and the Dominican Republic where Catholocism was laid over the African deities that slaves bought with them from their homelands. The combination of ritual and belief manifested as the modern religion Voodoun. For a really interesting read on the subject pick up a copy of ethno-botanist Wade Davis’ classic “The Serpent and the Rainbow.” This book was adapted into a Hollywood movie but the book is actually much more of a scholarly research than Wes Craven’s cheesy suspense horror film it became.
Winter Reading
I’ve also just finished reading a couple of really fun books by Neil Gaiman that treat the subject of modern belief, folklore, and mythology. “American Gods” and “Anansi Boys” are both delightful tales that make for fast reading. Both stories paint a world inhabited by mortals and gods alike who interact in hilarious and mind-bending ways.
Sleaze the Day!
Now it is Wednesday morning as I put the finishing touches on this little bit of writing. I am slightly tired after playing and watching a terrific show at the Off Limits last night. “Iceage Cobra” from Seattle bought the rock in the form of a power trio armed with classic Marshall and Fender amplification, blazing SG’s and high-energy. Chico’s own rock juggernaut “Dirty Sister” kept the energy going with their fine classic metal stylings. It was a beautiful show and if you missed it you missed a good one.
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