Writing about politics, especially on the national level, is incredibly frustrating. It sometimes feels like shouting at a hurricane. I’m glad the democrats have some power only because it re-introduces a missing system of checks, balances, and oversight. Frankly I haven’t heard any democrat enunciating a strategy or platform other than “we’re not them” and in the face of the atrocious behavior of the republican lead Congress during a time of national vulnerability the “we’re not them” approach has finally paid off. But now what? I see that Nancy Pelosi is requesting a brand new jet aeroplane so that she can fly more comfortably between Washington D.C. and San Francisco. What’s another million at this point anyway? In six short years the term “budget surplus” has become an abstract esoteric concept, much like “transparency” and “accountability.” If it were up to me the politicians would all be flying coach and taking taxis. Or better yet the bus – it would give the rich SOB’s a chance to actually see, and likely rub against or be fondled by, the people they are being paid to represent. That’s sort of a joke, the idea that politicians represent working class tax-payers as opposed to the filthy rich. Birds of a feather.
So lately I’ve strayed from politics a bit. Pretty much everyone with a connected cerebellum is getting down on this “war.” How can it even be called a war when the soldiers involved don’t know who it is they’re fighting? Terror? I suppose Stephen King should be public enemy number one.
National politics is a mess. We can agree on that much. So how about local politics? Well here are some thoughts on a few issues that affect us all on a more proximate level.
What Parking Problem?
Seriously. Drive five blocks in any direction and you can find parking. Most of it is even free. The idea that there needs to be another downtown parking structure is ludicrous and an obvious tip of the hat to pressure from a construction-based economy. You want to hear about a parking problem? The first place I lived in San Francisco I would have to drive around in circles for forty-five minutes to find a parking space that was within fifteen minutes walking distance of my apartment. I think we should take the existing parking structure and make it entirely handicapped spaces so that the elderly and the disabled can park close to downtown and everyone else can invest in a decent pair of walking shoes. The exercise will do you good.
I understand this pressure to develop. Unless you work in construction or agriculture the economy in Chico stinks. I’m not anti-development like a lot of folks. I don’t buy into the whole “I got mine” mentality. Chico is a desirable place to live so why wouldn’t people want to move here? More people means we need more housing. So no, I’m not in the anti-development camp. I am, however, against stupid redundant unnecessary and publicly-funded development.
Speaking of publicly funded development I have bad news for those of you keeping your fingers crossed that the Wal-Mart Super Center won’t be built. If people keep shopping at Wal-Mart, and Wal-Mart keeps making money, then it will be built. Does it make me sick to my stomach? Yes. Is it economically short-sighted? Yes, but then aren’t we as Americans sort of the keepers of the faith when it comes to short-sighted policy? It seems almost an obligation at this point to make decisions for the immediate future that will permanently screw-up the mid to distant future.
But what the hell? People stayed in line overnight for the opening of both the Krispy Kreme Donuts and the In N Out Burger when they opened. People gave up a night of sleep so they could say they ate a fucking hamburger and a donut on the first day these corporate chain stores opened in our town. A lot of people. So congratulations – I mean, if being the first to sample corporate cuisine is a badge of honor for this great consumer nation then of course there will be more Wal-Marts, more king-sized peddlers of uselsss crap – but it’s cheap! Cheap useless crap. That should be our national motto. Print it on every fucking dollar bill and coin that comes out of our mints. In Cheap Useless Crap We Trust.
Great, are you happy? Now I’ve made myself sick to my own stomach. I’m going to go and take a cheap generic Xanax now. Thank the god of Cheap Useless Crap that Wal-Mart has a pharmacy.
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