The democratic primary has really heated up on the heels of a handful of badly-worded remarks by the two candidates, Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama. Hillary took a big ding after her claims that she was greeted by sniper-fire on a trip to Bosnia during the 1990’s were revealed to be gross exaggerations. In fact it was the comedian Sinbad who was also on the junket who blew holes in the Senator and former first lady’s story. Clinton is continuing to take a beating in polls on trustworthiness as a result of that incident and probably also due to the fact that her last name is Clinton – synonymous in some circles with the ability to lie effortlessly and do anything to win elections.
But Barack Obama has his own problems after a scratchy tape recording emerged of remarks he made at a closed fund-raising event in San Francisco. In a speech he addressed the frustrations of many small town Americans with the loss of jobs and how those frustrations have been channeled into religion, racism, and guns. Both Senators Clinton and the Republican nominee John McCain have jumped on those remarks and their attacks are gaining traction. It has become that rare chink in Obama’s otherwise gleaming armor.
But the fear amongst Clinton insiders is that, with very few maneuvers left to make, Hillary could overplay her hand and cause a backlash amongst voters who are growing increasingly tired of what is developing into an inter-party slug-fest. (These two are supposed to be on the same team, right?) Clinton has been running attack ads featuring Obama’s remark and bringing it up during rallies. Signs of voters’ frustrations with these tactics have already manifested themselves and Clinton has found herself being booed for the attacks as voters are hungry for ideas and policies.
Clinton has exposed her own flank by drinking beers and whiskey with the locals in a Pennsylvania pub and talking about growing up shooting with her father. For anyone else this might come off as chummy but again, when your last name is Clinton, it is easy to view these actions and statements as calculated ploys. Hillary is always going to have trouble with this aspect of her public personae. I shudder to think of the carnage that will be drudged to the surface in a national campaign between Clinton and McCain. Both Senators have a long record of public service and there is a lot of room for vicious attack. Another part of me relishes the idea just for the sheer jaw-dropping spectacle of this political blood-fight.
The Pope and the Dalai Lama Walk into a Bar…
Pope Benedict is currently here in the United States. I don’t know what to make of him. I appreciate that Benedict has seized on his opportunity to write about love and hope. Many expected him to focus more on the conservative ideology of Catholocism so that came as a pleasant surprise. My wife had tremendous respect for the last Pope – maybe a left-over from her Catholic up-bringing. There has also been a lot of hero-worship of the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama. They both seem like alright guys, gentle and peaceful men. We certainly could use a few more of them in the public eye. Myself my religious beliefs fall somewhere between Deism and Atheism so I’m not impressed by these religious figures.
In fact I am a bit annoyed by the worship of these men. The Dalai Lama is considered by many to be a reincarnation of an enlightened soul and as such he is divorced from the cycle of life and death that the rest of us are mired in. The thought follows that the Dalai Lama chose to be incarnated in this time and place in order to teach us compassion. Hey I love the concept, don’t get me wrong, but I can’t help but think it must be a nice little ego-boost to have people worshipping you like the living incarnation of a god. Of course the truly enlightened have no use for ego so what the hell do I know pecking away at my keys and spewing my caustic toxins into this world of eternal beauty and sadness.
Global Food Crisis
Relatively unreported here in the United States of Obesity is the fact that the world is in the midst of a massive global food crisis. People are rioting in the streets because they can not afford to eat. Ah we’ve come so far in this year of our Lord 2008.
Bush Doesn’t Speak for Me
Our sitting President George W. Bush greeted the Pope by telling him that “America is a nation that welcomes religion in the public square.” Well once again Mr. Bush, you are not speaking for this American.
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