Thursday, February 5, 2009

I've just about had it with these guys...

You know I am just about at the end of my rope with these "capitalists" who are decrying Obama capping executive salaries at a mere $500,000 annually. First off - no one made these failing institutions take tax-payer money. If they really want to play the capitalism game then there would be no government money involved and then they could all set their salaries and bonuses as high as they want to.

Finally the company I work for is subject to the rules of capitalism - that means if we fail I don't get a bonus - I get a pink slip.

So to all you poor broken down executives on Wall Street that are going to have to scrape by on a half-million a year do you hear that sound? That little high-pitched squeaking sound? That is my tiny tiny violin playing a pitiful melody for you.

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