Friday, July 31, 2009

The Itch

I have got the itch right now. No, seriously; I managed to acquire a good dose of poison oak while I was helping Trish to tend some goats out on the Butte College Campus. I haven’t had poison oak in years, probably decades. I’m lucky in that I don’t get it that bad, but I’ve got it. There is an angry pink rash on my belly, on both wrists, and I managed to get a nice swatch of it on my face – right across the eyes – so I look either perpetually tired, acne-scarred, or as though I suffered some blows in a recent punch-up. I honestly don’t mind the poison oak though; the itching is vaguely entertaining. I don’t know why that is.

Understanding the Bass Frequency

Lower frequencies, like the sound of a booming bass, generate longer sound waves. These longer sound waves travel much greater distances and maintain their volume for a much greater duration than do the shorter sound waves generated by higher frequencies. Elephants can communicate over great distances by generating sub-sonic sound waves. The longer amplitude of lower frequency sound waves explain why, as you move away from a band playing music, or a blaring stereo, the vocals and the guitars tend to drop out and eventually you are left only with the constant thumping of the kick drum. Most people understand this intuitively and, in consideration of their neighbors, will make a point of keeping their stereo turned down low and the bass frequency rolled off; most people, but not everyone. Similarly most people have an intuitive understanding of the ‘cause and effect’ nature of our existence – a basic understanding that the energy we release into the universe is ultimately directed back towards us. Most people understand this; but not everyone. I really wish everyone understood this – it would make life run a little smoother.

Reluctant Proponent of Law

I’ve come to realize over time that I am not the anti-social being I once considered myself. My goal is not to disrupt the peaceful existence of others. In fact, I have come to a firm belief in a system of social conventions, and written or unwritten rules and considerations, in place to lubricate the wheels of society; and to keep us all from wanting to cause violent harm to one another. I believe in leash laws, noise ordinances, and good solid fencing. I feel like these kinds of laws have become the lesser of evils. The idealistic anarchist in me believes we should not need leash laws or noise ordinances – because ultimately we should all have such a strong sense of personal responsibility, accountability, and general common sense, that there would be no need for laws. Unfortunately, the pragmatist in me cannot ignore the fact that there is a painfully vocal minority that seems to actively refuse acceptance of any semblance of personal accountability. I don’t know if these people didn’t get enough attention as a child, or if they were spoiled rotten, or if they were just never imbued with a sense of social responsibility – but whatever the reason may be, the fact seems to be that there is a handful of people whose actions and behavior are so socially aberrant, that it demands we generate an ever-growing list of laws and rules.

It’s a damned shame really. Most of us are screwed by the actions of a few. Of course this is a trend history bares out again and again.

Health Care on the Fast Track

The Democrats are working double-time to try and pass some sort of health care legislation before a scheduled upcoming summer break. Does anyone else find it completely bizarre just how many vacations our politicians get? I finally worked in my job long enough to get a measly 10 days off – and our work schedule holds another 10 planned holidays. That’s it. The men and women who my taxes pay for would scoff at my piddly vacation schedule. I digress.

Trish and I were talking about the Democratic health plan and essentially we came to the conclusion that neither one of us has a clue as to what the health plan actually entails. Our ignorance aside; it seems like the politicians are moving forward so quickly on it that we have serious doubts as to whether they know just what it is they are actually cobbling together.

If You’re not Outraged…

Then I just have one more thing to mention in this column: the California state budget. The internet term “WTF?!?” comes to mind. At this point it is just an accepted fact that the budget will always be late. What a joke. Dear state legislators, give the money back. Really, what do we need these people for? I could successfully not draft a budget and then go on vacation. In fact, I’d probably be really good at that. Hmmm…

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