Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Michelangelo Picking His Nose

Say You Want a Revolution?

Okay, let's see – it is time to orient myself. We are in the midst of a world-wide revolution. I am feeling a combination of exhilaration and terror. Every moment of every day, my mind is screaming along, trying to understand what is happening all around me. It's weird, to be going about one's daily routine while the social and political tectonic plates are shifting underneath our feet. Like Michelangelo picking his nose in the midst of painting the murals under the canopies of the Sistine Chapel. These things happen.

Narratives are being shaped around what is happening – but personally I am not comfortable with any of the narratives I have heard thus far. It seems to me that the ones spinning the narratives are relying on old traditions, historic precedents; leaning into the comfort of the status quo. I believe we can come up with something more dynamic, more conscious-shifting, more trans formative than the traditional explanations for complicated times.


Words right now are hard to come up with – so let's give ourselves the luxury of patience. The thing is though, if we are going to be patient, we've got to work together to deflect the assorted, fundamentalist narratives that are going to definitely and inevitably emerge. Push those aside. Make room for the new consciousness to emerge by rejecting the remnants of the old consciousness. This will happen; I can't tell you when.

I think the traits we are going to need for the revolution will include a certain amount of self-reliance, complete accountability, and an immense dose of compassion and empathy for our fellow human beings. More than ever, we are all in this thing together. The time for choosing sides and selecting enemies is passing – the time for understanding is emerging.

Maintain positive energy. Sing, dance, flirt, cry, smile, make love, laugh, and laugh, and laugh, and laugh, and laugh.

One Love

I was imagining a world in which we could all read one another's' minds. It's not the most original thought; but there would be no secrets. We would be constantly revealing, contemplating, understanding, and empathizing with each other. I don't know that we would become homogenized in our thinking - I would like to think the individualities would remain, but maybe some of the rougher edges, and the more dramatic pitfalls, of individual personalities would be assuaged.

The Fall

Anyway, in the mean time the weather has shifted. Right now rain is drizzling down and getting heavier, clearing the dusty valley air. Beautiful. Gives us all a chance to think and to meditate and to visualize; figure this whole thing out. Together together together. That word keeps floating into my thoughts. Together together together. No more “isms,” no more “definitions,” no more “ideologies,” no more... Together together together. Anything ending in an “ism” will let you down. Capitalism, communism, socialism. Marxism, nationalism, nihilism. Theories only work in the theoretical realm.

You and me, we aren't theories; we are flesh, blood, and spirit.

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