Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Upgrades, Relaxation, and a New Member of the Family

Tuesday's gone. The fan is moving hot air around and my fingertips feel like they are on fire - I can't figure out exactly why that is. It could be from tile grout, or maybe I cut my fingernails too short last night. Whatever the reason, it hurts when I strike down on the keys - I am suffering for you tonight. Now it's your turn to suffer for me. Queue the sinister laughter.

I Want Candy!

We've got a new member of the family – a 6 or 7 year old chocolate lab who goes by the name of Candy. She's been with us now for only a couple of hours, and right now Bill and Candy are in the process of figuring out how exactly they are going to get along. So far the results are mixed. There is a lot of herding, a little humping, some snarling, and the occasional baring of teeth followed by some biting. Par for the course in doggy world I guess. As I am writing this, Candy is exhausted and lying near me, while Bill is lying next to her and staring intently at her – as though daring her to make a move. This too shall pass. Now they're both finally starting to relax a little.


I'm not sure if I will ever be able to relax again. It's never really been my strong suit. I'm not exactly anxious, or nervous – but I always tend to be thinking about things: stories, politics, sex, music. Some people describe their mind as a continuous monologue – but I'm not like that. The thoughts are distinct, and clear; they just always keep coming. I enjoy it, I guess;  I don't think I have much of a choice. The brain is a mystifying organ.

Hillbilly Watering Phase 2

We've made a serious upgrade to the “hillbilly watering system” I had described in an earlier column. The old system was comprised of a series of water vessels, including several five gallon water jugs, a couple of coolers, and a bathtub, that were all piled into the back of my old F-150. The truck is still the same, but yesterday I drove down to Orland and picked up a 255 gallon water tank. It's a sweet set-up that saves me both time and effort. Instead of having to dip buckets into the bath tub to get the water out, now I simply turn a lever. The next piece I need is a hose attachment, and on my watering wish-list is some sort of pump and generator combination. Oh that would be living. Until then though, I'll have to dream.

Well it looks like I've got one jealous dog to deal with here, and the other one's  homesick and crying. On top of that, it seems that the night is starting to get away from me. I hope I can manage to get a decent night's sleep – it's been awhile now.

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