Monday, June 9, 2008

No Tolerance

Girl-O-Rama! Hurray!

Well apparently I can’t drink alcohol any more – at least not in the vast quantities I used to imbibe. For the last couple months or so I have been cutting way back on my consumption. That being said on Saturday night the girlie show was in town and I decided it would be a good night to go ahead and tie one on. That turned out to be erroneous. As of this writing it is Tuesday morning and I am still not a hundred percent.

The evening was pure entertainment. 2 Drink and I rolled into Nick’s around 10:30 and caught the last song and a half of the Baghdad Batteries set. Is it just me or are shows starting a helluva lot earlier than they ever used to? The Shankers did what they do so well and in between the bands and afterwards wonderfully glamorous women performed classic burlesque numbers. There was nothing wrong with the evening that a couple of purposefully placed brightly sequined tassles spinning in opposite directions couldn’t take care of.

Anyway – after getting my fill of ear and eye candy I just didn’t want the evening to end and so I followed a small entourage across the street to a lively after-party. In retrospect I would have been better off just going home. I recall talking to some very nice people but I don’t remember a word of what was said. I recall meeting several very nice dogs as well. I recall drinking at least a couple of beers but I don’t recall how I got home. It isn’t more than four blocks to my house so I am assuming I walked but you never know.

“I woke up Sunday morning with no way to hold my head that didn’t hurt.”

-Kris Kristofferson

Never have truer words been spoken. I woke up in a serious pain haze with food smeared on my shirt and, inexplicably, a towel on the floor soaking up some sort of mystery liquid. I was an absolute wreck. The day was misery. I dragged ass over to 2 Drink’s (who had the foresight and wisdom to go straight home after the show was over) where I “helped” him set up his swimming pool. I also helped him drink a 12-pack of beer and that was about the only thing that saved me.

Of course “hair of the dog” is often just a way of prolonging the inevitable but at least it took a bit of the edge off of my pain. I semi-staggered the block back to my house and ran into City Council-member Maureen Kirk who was just leaving a wine and dine fundraiser being held at and for the ARC of Butte County. She told me they had an assortment of good food and wine tasting but when I told her I liked wine she told me sure, but not at 2 in the afternoon. I didn’t explain to her that I’d just guzzled five beers in order to stave off a vicious hangover. I’m not sure she would have appreciated that. She did tell me the food was excellent.

How Do You Know if a Politician is Lying?

I’m sorry – last week I said I’d get off politics but I lied. Barrack Obama has secured the delegates needed in order to be the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee. It’s a pretty huge deal and I will tell you something; I just heard a re-broadcast of Obama’s speech following this news and that son of a gun can speak! I had tears in my eyes by the time he was done.

I’m immensely excited by this Presidential race as I’ve never been in the past. It isn’t just the compelling stories of some of the candidates – I think it has more to do with the feeling that, as a country, we are perched on a precipice. Depending on who we elect and then how they perform their duties and obligations there is the feeling that things could get much better or much worse than they are right now. Status-quo is not a possibility; and so it feels like this election is intensely meaningful.

There’s No Government Like No Government!

Ultimately though the responsibility doesn’t lie with our leaders; it rests with us. The more we rely on government to make things better and to solve our problems for us the more we justify the perpetuation of government. If we really want smaller government interference in our lives then we need to act like we can take care of ourselves.

Vote for yourself in 2008!


1 comment:

davereceda said...

I like your white shoes.